3092 Hull Avenue, Suite 201, Bronx New York, 10467
718.231.8399 718.231.8109 info@pesenviro.com

Lead-Based Paint Testing & Inspections


Put Lead-Based Paint Compliance in Our Hands

Many older homes, offices, and commercial buildings contain lead based paint on anything from walls to window sills to doors. Lead is a dangerous metallic element formerly used in paint that can make occupants of a building sick through exposure. Lead-based paint, if ingested, is especially dangerous to children who may eat the paint chips or flakes. Its use has been banned for many years, since the 1970s, but its presence can still be detected in older structures. You, as property manager or owner, can be held responsible for the presence of what is essentially a poison. It needs to be properly detected, analyzed and disposed of, which is where Professional Environmental Services comes in.

As leaders in lead paint detection our professionals have 20 years of experience in lead-based paint detection. We have the know-how and  experience to provide comprehensive consultation of lead-based paint removal, which is crucial to ensuring not only occupant safety and peace of mind but also compliance with local, state and federal regulations. From inspection to risk assessment, our team of professionals is trained and certified to ensure quality consulting services regarding removal, detection and analysis of lead-based paint. It is our job to ensure lead hazards are addressed in an efficient, thorough manner so as to keep all occupants safe while meeting strict EPA requirements.

What We Do

As part of our lead-based paint consulting services, Professional Environmental Services offers:

  • Lead Paint Inspections
  • Lead Paint Testing
  • Risk evaluations
  • Design/specs and bidding assistance
  • Operations plans
  • Maintenance
  • Lead awareness and procedural training
One of our main services is lead-based paint testing. If lead paint is detected by our experts, we will advise you on the steps that must be taken to remove it. This must be done safely and efficiently to protect all occupants of the structure.

Our certified lead-based paint professionals follow the EPA’s lead-based paint activities regulations to ensure protection of the public through training and certification activities, inspections, risk assessments and accreditation. If you have concerns about lead-based paint in your facility, please contact ProfessionalEnvironmental Services at 718.231.8399. Other areas of our specialty include asbestos, mold, indoor air quality, and radon.